Sexsomnia and Trauma: Understanding Sleep Sex

Sexsomnia and Trauma

Key Takeaways:

  • Sexsomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by engaging in sexual activities during sleep.
  • The causes of sexsomnia are not entirely clear but may be related to other sleep disorders and external factors like stress and alcohol.
  • A sleep study may help diagnose sexsomnia or identify another sleep disorder or medical condition associated with sexsomnia.
  • Treatment for sexsomnia depends on the underlying cause but often includes medication, improving sleep hygiene, and reducing stress or triggers.
  • How Does Sexsomnia Impact Your Sleep?
  • How to Avoid Sexsomnia?
  • What Causes Arousal During Sleep?

Sexsomnia: How Trauma Influences Sleep Sex?

Imagine waking up to stories of your nocturnal escapades, completely unaware of the events that took place. It’s called sexsomnia, also known as sleep sex, a perplexing sleep disorder. It’s an enigma that has baffled experts and distressed those affected. So, what is sexsomnia exactly?

How do some people engage in sexual activities while they’re sound asleep? How does sexsomnia impact your sleep? This blog delves into the mysterious condition of sexsomnia, its connection to trauma, and how it affects individuals and their relationships. What causes this phenomenon, and more importantly, how can it be managed? Let’s explore!

What is Sexsomnia?

Sexsomnia, a type of parasomnia, involves engaging in sexual activities during sleep. These activities range from masturbation and sexual movements to initiating sex with another person. These activities can be highly distressing, not only for the person experiencing sexsomnia but also for their partners. Intriguingly, individuals experiencing sexsomnia often have no recollection of their actions upon waking up.

Sexsomnia shares similarities with other parasomnias like sleepwalking and sleep talking. It typically occurs during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, making it a perplexing phenomenon to study.

Symptoms of Sexsomnia

The symptoms of sexsomnia vary but generally include:

  • Masturbation
  • Fondling
  • Sexual noises
  • Sexual movements
  • Initiating sexual activities
  • Sexual aggression
  • Sexual assault

These behaviors occur during sleep, and the person has no recollection of them upon waking. This lack of awareness often leads to confusion, embarrassment, and distress.

The DSM-5 Perspective

In the realm of psychology, the Sexsomnia DSM-5 classification falls under the category of non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders. This classification helps professionals diagnose and understand the complexities of this condition, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to treatment.

How Does Sexsomnia Impact Your Sleep?

Sexsomnia disrupts the normal sleep cycle, often occurring during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. This disruption can lead to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue. Additionally, the emotional toll of experiencing or being a partner to someone with sexsomnia can lead to anxiety and stress, further impacting sleep.

What Causes Sexsomnia?

The exact causes of sexsomnia are not well understood, but several factors are believed to contribute, including:

  • Other parasomnias like sleepwalking
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Sleep-related seizures
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Alcohol and substance use
  • Sleep deprivation

What Causes Arousal During Sleep?

Arousal during sleep, leading to sexsomnia, can be triggered by various factors. These triggers can be internal, such as other sleep disorders, or external, such as stress and substance use.

The underlying mechanisms involve complex interactions between the brain and body during different sleep stages. During sleep, the brain undergoes various cycles, and arousal can occur due to hormonal changes, neural activity, or external stimuli. In the case of sexsomnia, these arousals translate into sexual behaviors, often without conscious awareness.

Sexsomnia and Trauma

Sexsomnia and trauma share a complex relationship. Individuals with a history of traumatic experiences can significantly develop this disorder. For some, the trauma of past abuse or other distressing events manifests in disruptive sleep behaviors, creating a vicious cycle of emotional and physical turmoil. The interplay between trauma and sleep disorders can be intricate, making it essential to address both issues in treatment.

Sexsomnia and ADHD

Interestingly, there is a connection between sexsomnia and ADHD. Individuals with ADHD often experience irregular sleep patterns, which can contribute to the development of parasomnias. Managing ADHD symptoms may help reduce the occurrence of sexsomnia episodes.

Sexsomnia Cases: Real-Life Examples

Real-life cases of sexsomnia provide insight into the disorder’s impact. For instance, writer Morgan Mandriota shared her experience with sexsomnia in a personal essay. She described the embarrassment and confusion of being told she was moaning loudly in her sleep. Such stories highlight the challenges faced by individuals with sexsomnia.

How to Avoid Sexsomnia

Preventing sexsomnia involves managing potential triggers and maintaining good sleep hygiene. Here are some tips on how to avoid sexsomnia:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques
  • Avoid alcohol and substances that can disrupt sleep
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Create a safe sleeping environment
  • Seek medical advice for underlying sleep disorders.

Navigating Treatment for Sexsomnia

Treatment for sexsomnia depends on the underlying cause. Common approaches include:

  • Medication: Benzodiazepines like clonazepam can be effective.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Improving sleep habits to ensure better sleep quality.
  • Stress Reduction: Techniques like meditation and therapy to reduce stress.
  • Treating Underlying Disorders: Addressing conditions like sleep apnea or ADHD.

Sexsomnia Treatment at Home

For those seeking sexsomnia treatment at home, consider these steps:

  • Keep a Sleep Diary: Track your sleep patterns and any unusual behaviors.
  • Consistent Sleep Schedule: Maintain a regular sleep routine to help regulate your body’s internal clock.
  • Reduce Stress: Engage in relaxation techniques before bed, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to lower stress levels.
  • Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: These substances can disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate parasomnias. Avoid consuming them close to bedtime.
  • Create a Safe Space: Ensure your sleep environment is safe and secure. Remove any objects that could cause harm during a sexsomnia episode.

Mattresses That Help Navigate Relationship with Sexsomnia

When dealing with the complexities of sexsomnia, creating a conducive sleep environment is essential. One often overlooked aspect is the choice of mattress. The right mattress can play a pivotal role in improving sleep quality and reducing the frequency of sexsomnia episodes. Let’s explore how high-quality mattresses from brands like iSense and Stearns & Foster can make a significant difference.

The Importance of a Good Mattress

A good mattress is more than just a place to sleep. It’s a foundation for quality rest, crucial for overall well-being. For those with sexsomnia, a comfortable and supportive mattress can help:

  • Promote Deep Sleep: A high-quality mattress can facilitate deeper, more restorative sleep cycles, reducing the likelihood of disruptive parasomnias like sexsomnia.
  • Minimize Sleep Disturbances: Mattresses that isolate motion transfer ensure that any movements during sexsomnia episodes are less likely to disturb a sleeping partner.
  • Enhance Sleep Hygiene: A mattress that supports proper spinal alignment and body comfort can improve sleep hygiene, making it easier to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

iSense Mattresses

iSense mattresses are known for their innovative technology and customizable comfort levels. Here’s how they can benefit individuals with sexsomnia:

  • Customizable Comfort: iSense mattresses allow you to adjust firmness levels to suit individual preferences. This customization ensures optimal comfort, potentially reducing stress and promoting better sleep quality.
  • Advanced Support: These mattresses provide excellent support, which is essential for maintaining proper sleep posture. Proper support can help minimize disruptions during sleep, contributing to a more restful night.
  • Temperature Regulation: iSense mattresses come with advanced temperature regulation features. Maintaining a comfortable sleep temperature can help reduce the likelihood of sleep disturbances associated with sexsomnia.

Delve into the comprehensive iSense Mattress Review.

Stearns & Foster Mattresses

Stearns & Foster is synonymous with luxury and comfort. Their mattresses offer several features beneficial for those dealing with sexsomnia:

  • Exceptional Comfort: Stearns & Foster mattresses are crafted with premium materials that provide unmatched comfort. A comfortable sleep surface can help individuals with sexsomnia relax more deeply, potentially reducing the frequency of episodes.
  • Durability and Support: These mattresses are built to last, providing consistent support over time. Durable support is crucial for maintaining a healthy sleep environment, which can positively impact sleep disorders.
  • Motion Isolation: Stearns & Foster mattresses excel in isolating motion transfer. This feature is particularly important for sexsomnia sufferers, as it ensures that any involuntary movements during episodes do not disturb a partner’s sleep.

Read the comprehensive Stearns & Foster Mattress Review.

Final Takeaway!

Sexsomnia is a complex and often misunderstood disorder that can significantly impact individuals and their relationships. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments is crucial for managing this condition. If you or someone you know is experiencing sexsomnia, seek professional help and consider making lifestyle changes to improve sleep hygiene and reduce triggers. Remember, you’re not alone, and with the right approach, managing sexsomnia is possible. Stay informed, stay safe, and sleep well!

By exploring the intricacies of sexsomnia, we hope to shed light on this mysterious sleep disorder and offer guidance on how to navigate its challenges. Let’s continue support each other in the journey towards better sleep. Log on to

FAQs on Sexsomnia!

  1. Is sexsomnia a mental illness?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), sexsomnia is not typically classified as a mental illness. It’s a recognized sleep disorder, but due to its rarity, many people, including health professionals, may not be fully aware of it. Consequently, some patients are mistakenly referred to psychotherapy for presumed psychological issues instead of receiving a proper diagnosis for sexsomnia.

  1. How do you know if someone has sexsomnia?

A key aspect of sexsomnia is engaging in sexual acts while asleep and unconscious. Indicators include unresponsiveness or minimal responsiveness to conversation, unusual sexual responses or aggression, and an inability or difficulty to be woken during the event. Witnesses of these episodes can provide crucial observations for diagnosis.

  1. How rare is sexsomnia?

Sexsomnia is extremely rare. It appears most frequently in individuals with other sleep disorders like sleepwalking. Research published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine shows that men are three times more likely than women to exhibit sexsomnia symptoms.

  1. What is the Sexsomnia DSM-5 classification?

In the DSM-5, sexsomnia falls under the category of Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep Arousal Disorders. This classification helps medical professionals diagnose and understand the condition within the framework of other sleep-related issues.

  1. Is there a connection between sexsomnia and ADHD?

There can be a connection between sexsomnia and ADHD. Individuals with ADHD may experience disrupted sleep patterns, which can increase the likelihood of parasomnias, including sexsomnia.

  1. How do I deal with my partner with sexsomnia?

It’s important to speak honestly and openly with your partner about how you feel. Collaborate on a plan to ensure both of you feel safe and comfortable. This may include sleeping arrangements, setting boundaries, and seeking medical advice together.

  1. How do you fix sexsomnia?

Treatment for sexsomnia varies based on the underlying causes. Common medical treatments include:

  1. Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, such as duloxetine and clonazepam.
  2. Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnea.
  3. Antacids and proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) for gastrointestinal issues.
  4. Mild sedative medications.
  5. Mouth guards, bite plates, or mandibular advancement devices for related conditions.