Suffering From Sleep Apnea? Mind Your Sleeping Position

suffering from sleep apnea? mind your sleeping position

Are you aware that a person’s sleep position can have direct impact on sleep quality? Surprisingly, it can also affect the occurrence and severity of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a prevalent sleep disorder that affects a significant portion of the US population. Statistics from Thomson Reuters reveal that 37% Americans may suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This is as per data cited in annual meeting of “Associated-Professional-Sleep Societies” in San Antonia, Texas on 2019.

Experts generally identify side sleeping as the most beneficial position for individuals with sleep apnea, while back sleeping is considered the least ideal. In this article we will help you understand signs of sleep apnea and optimal sleep positions to enhance sleep. It can truly make a significant difference when settling down for a good night’s rest! Read on.

What Is Sleep Apnea, And How Does It Affect You?

Do you ever find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for breath, or hear from your partner about you snoring?

Well, it’s time to pay attention because you might be dealing with sleep apnea—a sneaky condition that disrupts your breathing cycle and sleep.

In this sleep disorder your breathing stops only to restart again. This cycle continues throughout the night, leaving you gasping for air. Your body becomes devoid of oxygen and energy declines. Talk about a rude awakening!

Imagine this: as you drift off to sleep, your breathing stops, leaving your body craving the oxygen it needs. Sensing danger, your brain sounds the alarm, jolting you awake just long enough to gasp for air like a fish out of water. It’s a restless balance between sleep and wakefulness. Trust me it’s no good for catching those Zzz’s!

But wait, it gets worse. Sleep apnea is not just an inconvenience when you sleep. It can affect your overall well-being. From feeling perpetually exhausted during the day to a long list of potential complications, sleep apnea can really mess with your health if left untreated.

The good news is that there are treatments available that can cure this condition and restore your restful slumber. It’s crucial to reach out to your trusted healthcare provider on time and discuss about your symptoms without delay.

Remember, managing sleep apnea is key, and with the right treatment and a commitment to following your doctor’s orders, you can banish this problem. So, don’t let sleep apnea steal your sleep—fight back to reclaim your nights of blissful slumber!

Let’s read about how sleep apnea can affect you in the underlying section!

How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Your Sleep Cycle?

Apnea is a term derived from the Greek roots “a,” meaning “not,” and “pnea,” referring to “breathing”. Therefore, it describes a state of breathlessness or the cessation of breathing during sleep.

Hypopnea, on the other hand, combines the Greek word roots “hypo,” meaning “low” or “under,” and “pnea.” This combination signifies a condition of under-breathing or insufficient breathing, resulting in inadequate oxygen levels in the blood.

During sleep, your brain constantly monitors various aspects of your body’s functioning, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. If you experience episodes of either apnea or hypopnea, where your breathing becomes significantly reduced or even stops, it can lead to a drop in blood oxygen levels.

When your brain detects a drop in blood oxygen levels caused by apnea or hypopnea, it triggers a reflexive response to wake you up partially. This response acts as a failsafe mechanism to restore normal breathing. Once you resume breathing, your brain automatically attempts to restore your sleep cycle, allowing you to continue sleeping.

Sleep Apnea: Classified on Severity

The frequency of interruptions caused by sleep apnea varies based on its severity. The Apnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI) indicates average number of hypopnea or apnea episodes per hour, representing instances when a person temporarily stops breathing.

The severity of sleep apnea as a sleeping problem is primarily determined by the AHI, and it can be classified as follows:

  1. Mild Sleep Apnea: At this level, the AHI falls between 5 and 15, implying that there are between 5 and 15 apnea or hypopnea events occurring per hour. However, healthcare providers also consider associated symptoms when evaluating the need for treatment. If there are no additional symptoms, it may not be deemed severe enough to require immediate treatment.
  2. Moderate Sleep Apnea: Individuals with moderate sleep apnea experience between 15 and 29 events per hour. This means that during an eight-hour sleep period, they may encounter breathing interruptions or wake up approximately 120 to 239 times.
  3. Severe Sleep Apnea: Severe sleep apnea is characterized by individuals waking up 30 or more times within an hour, resulting in 240 or more instances of breathing cessation or awakenings during a full eight hours of sleep.

Obstructive events, which are brief in duration, can occur during any stage of sleep but are most commonly observed in Stage 1, Stage 2, and REM sleep. This is why individuals often do not recall these apnea events, making it difficult for them to recognize the problem until noticeable symptoms arise. Central events are more prevalent during Stages 1 and 2 of sleep, but they can manifest during any sleep stage.

What Are the Types of Sleep Apnea?

There are three types of sleep apnea. These are discussed below.

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) causes recurring episodes of partial or complete collapse of the airway during sleep. These episodes are accompanied by a decrease in oxygen levels and interruptions in sleep, leading to fragmented and non-restorative sleep patterns. Further, OSA causes considerable implications for cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and quality of life.
  2. Central Sleep Apnea – Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder characterized by a diminished urge to breathe during sleep, leading to recurring episodes of inadequate ventilation and compromised gas exchange. These disruptions in nighttime breathing can contribute to the development of significant co-morbidities and pose an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events.
  3. Complex/Mixed Sleep Apnea – Complex Sleep Apnea (CompSA) is a type of central apnea that occurs when central apneas or hypopneas persist or emerge even after the obstruction-related events have been resolved by using Continuous-Positive-Airway-Pressure (CPAP) or an E0470 device.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea exhibits a range of symptoms, some of which are easier to notice than others. Nonetheless, sleep apnea symptoms must be identified on time to opt for timely treatment.

  • Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Individuals

Common signs of sleep apnea are detailed below.

  1. Feeling excessively tired and exhausted upon waking up, even after a full night’s sleep.
  2. Experiencing daytime sleepiness, which can be severe enough to cause drowsiness during activities like driving or working.
  3. Snoring, which is a common symptom of sleep apnea, although not everyone with sleep apnea snores, and snoring can also occur without sleep apnea.
  4. Mood changes, such as feelings of depression and anxiety, which are often associated with sleep apnea.
  5. Disruptions in brain function, including memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and other cognitive issues.
  6. Repeatedly waking up during the night, although this symptom may go unnoticed as people often don’t remember waking up or the reason behind it. Sometimes, individuals may recall waking up for other reasons like heartburn or bathroom needs.
  7. Pauses in breathing during sleep
  8. Unusual breathing patterns, like Cheyne-Stokes Breathing (CSB),  which is characterized by rapid breathing that becomes deeper and then shallower until it stops momentarily. After a few seconds without breathing, the pattern restarts.
  9. Insomnia, which refers to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  10. Night sweats and a sense of restlessness during the night.
  11. Sexual dysfunction, which can be linked to sleep apnea.
  12. Waking up with a sensation of shortness of breath or feeling choked.
  13. Headaches in sleep apnea are common, especially upon waking up.

These symptoms can vary in their presence and severity among individuals with sleep apnea.

  • Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Women

The symptoms of sleep apnea can vary between women and men, and women may commonly experience the following symptoms:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Daytime sleepiness
  3. Depression
  4. Morning headaches
  5. Insomnia
  6. Fatigue
  7. Frequent awakenings during sleep
  • Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Children

Sleep apnea in children may present with slightly different symptoms compared to adults. The signs of sleep apnea in children include:

  1. Hyperactivity, difficulty focusing, or poor performance in school, which can resemble symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  2. Loud snoring during sleep.
  3. Bedwetting incidents during the night.
  4. Frequent arm or leg movements while asleep.
  5. Sleeping in unusual positions or with the neck extended.
  6. Experiencing reflux (heartburn) or night sweats.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can be indicative of sleep apnea in children. They should be evaluated by a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What Are the Side-effects of Sleep Apnea?

Some sleep apnea side effects and complications are given below.

  1. Heart failure
  2. Stroke
  3. Heart disease
  4. Obesity
  5. Adult asthma
  6. Type 2 diabetes
  7. High blood pressure
  8. Acid reflux
  9. Metabolic disorders
  10. Cognitive difficulties (brain fog)
  11. Memory impairment
  12. Excessive daytime sleepiness
  13. Depression

These complications highlight the importance of addressing and managing sleep apnea to minimize its potential impact on your overall health and well-being.

What Are the Causes of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea typically has identifiable causes, and research suggests that in certain cases sleep apnea is genetic. Broadly speaking, there are three primary forms of sleep apnea, each characterized by distinct underlying factors.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Causes

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is caused when the muscles in your head and neck relax during sleep. This leads to the compression of the surrounding tissues on your windpipe. The obstruction hinders normal airflow through the air channels.

  • Central Sleep Apnea: Causes

Central sleep apnea can occur due to various factors, which may include:

  1. Hypoxia or low levels of oxygen in blood caused by high altitude
  2. Damage to the nervous system, particularly in the spinal cord or brainstem (responsible for regulating breathing)
  3. Heart failure
  4. Nervous system disorders such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
  5. Initial treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy (typically resolves with consistent CPAP use)
  • Complex Sleep Apnea: Causes

Mixed/complex sleep apnea is a type of sleep apnea that is caused by factors of both obstructive events and central events. In this form, individuals experience a combination of airway obstructions and disruptions in the brain’s control of breathing during sleep.

Best Sleeping Positions to Prevent Sleep Apnea: Sleeping Guide!

The position in which you sleep can influence all the types of sleep apnea. Interestingly, sleeping on the back can be associated with both OSA and CSA. Research suggests that over half of individuals with OSA experience more severe symptoms when sleeping in their back.

However, changing sleeping positions can often alleviate symptoms of both OSA and CSA. In this article, we have explored the effects of different sleeping positions, such as side, stomach, and back, on sleep apnea. We have also provided strategies on the best positions, head positioning, and treatment recommendations for sleep apnea.

1. Side Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your side is considered as one of the best positions for reducing sleep apnea compared to sleeping on your back. As per studies, side sleeping can effectively decrease breathing disturbances caused by both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). However, the underlying reasons for symptom improvement vary between the two types of sleep apnea.

When you sleep on your side, there is a lower likelihood of your throat organs in shifting into a position that obstructs your airway. This is why many healthcare professionals recommend side sleeping as part of a comprehensive approach to managing OSA. Additionally, sleeping on your side can also help reduce snoring.

  • Right Side Sleeping Position

While sleeping on either your left or right side is generally better than sleeping on your back. Further, sleeping on your right side can be an effective position for reducing Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This can be due to differences in blood flow to and from the heart depending on your sleeping position.

A word of caution: Right Side Sleeping might increase reflux symptoms by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter. Consult your doctor before sleeping on your right side if you suffer from acid reflux.

  • Left Side Sleeping Position

Research suggests that left side sleeping may be more beneficial. For individuals experiencing nighttime Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), sleeping on the left side may provide more relief from symptoms. Additionally, pregnant individuals are often advised to sleep on their left side as it can help alleviate pressure on the liver and promote healthy blood flow.

Considering these factors, both sleeping on the right side for OSA and sleeping on the left side for GERD and pregnancy are recommended by experts as favorable sleep positions.

A word of caution: It’s worth noting that people with congestive heart failure should consult their doctors before choosing this sleep position. Left-side sleeping is normally discouraged for them because it might cause discomfort or add unneeded stress to the heart.

2. Stomach Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your stomach may reduce breathing interruptions associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Similar to side sleeping, this position may help prevent your airway from being blocked.

Among adults, sleeping on the stomach is not a popular sleep position. It can be challenging to sleep comfortably in this position and may lead to neck rotation, back pain, or frequent awakenings for some individuals.

A word of caution: Further, stomach sleeping can pose difficulties for individuals using Continuous-Positive-Airway-Pressure (CPAP) devices, which are commonly used to treat sleep apnea. The face mask worn during CPAP therapy may be uncomfortable when pressed against the face while sleeping on the stomach. The mask may also shift out of place and cause air leaks, resulting in dry eyes and reduced effectiveness of the therapy.

3. Back Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back is generally advised against if you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). When you sleep on your back, gravity can cause the tongue to fall back into the mouth, potentially blocking the airway and hindering the flow of air through the throat. This position can also exacerbate snoring by narrowing the airway.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is caused by the brain’s failure to regulate breathing rather than a blocked airway. Thus, back sleeping can lead to more frequent breathing issues related to CSA. Therefore, sleeping on your back may worsen CSA symptoms.

A word of caution: If you have OSA or CSA and prefer to sleep on your back, a possible compromise is to elevate your head at a 60-degree angle. Sleeping in an elevated position can help limit the effect of gravity on the tongue and other tissues, reducing the chances of airway blockage. It can also help alleviate snoring.

It’s important to note that finding the most suitable sleep position for sleep apnea may vary for each individual, and consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended for personalized guidance.

Top 4 Tips on How to “Sleep Right” in Sleep Apnea?

1. Side Sleeping Firm Pillows

  • Sleeping on one’s side provides relief for sleep apnea sufferers. Lying on your side is best for people who snore or have sleep apnea. This is because their airways remain more stable and less likely to collapse or block airflow. A side sleeping contoured pillow, or one made of memory foam, can help keep your body and head in the proper position while you sleep on your side.
  • Start with obtaining a sturdy, firm pillow that can support your neck and back if you want to sleep on your left side. And with a little determination, you can achieve your goals.
  • Another alternative is to place a pillow between your knees to provide additional comfort and support for your back and neck.

2. Stomach Sleeping Thin Pillows

  • When sleeping in a face-down posture, a very thin pillow or one created exclusively for stomach sleepers is appropriate and may help relieve neck pain. Your pillow blocks or impairs your mouth and nose, or your neck must be rotated to the side to sustain breathing. These stand in the way of cleaning your airways and preventing snoring and sleep apnea.

3. Back Sleeping Adjustable Beds or Mattresses

  • If you sleep on your back habitually, an adjustable mattress can help ease discomfort by allowing you to sleep with your head slightly elevated. This could help with snoring as well as other problems, as the body rests in a zero-gravity position. The zero-gravity position, also known as the neutral body position, helps to keep your hips and back aligned. Further, the top of the head stays reclined at a 24-degree angle.
  • When your body remains in this zero-gravity position atop an adjustable mattress, you feel weightless! This is because the force of gravity acts evenly on every part of the body. As a result, the body is effectively supported and airways remain open with the least amount of strain on throat muscles, resulting in less snoring and a great sleeping experience!

4. Supportive Mattress for Better Breathing

  • If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, we understand the challenges you face. While treatment options like CPAP machines and surgery are available, it’s worth noting that choosing the right mattress can also contribute to improved sleep with sleep apnea.

Given below we have a list of some of the best mattresses for sleep apnea. Check them out!

4 Best Mattresses for Sleep Apnea: Our Editor’s Picks!

1. Helix Midnight Luxe

Superior Comfort for Sleep Apnea

  • Type: Hybrid
  • Firmness: Medium-firm
  • Warranty: 15 years
  • Shipping: Free shipping

Smart Mattress Buy’s Review

Comfort is crucial when dealing with sleep apnea, and the Helix Midnight Luxe excels in providing just that. This top-notch hybrid mattress is designed with your comfort in mind. It combines supportive coils, pressure-relieving foam, and a luxurious pillow top comfort layer. The Helix Midnight Luxe offers exceptional comfort, especially for side sleepers, which is the recommended position for managing sleep apnea.

Additionally, the mattress is thoughtfully engineered with zoning technology to ensure optimal spinal alignment as you sleep on your side. With the Helix Midnight Luxe, you can enjoy both comfort and the right support for a restful night’s sleep.


  • Cooling features
  • Responsive mattress
  • Soft and supportive
  • High on durability


  • Not ideal for stomach sleepers

Interested to learn more on the Helix Mattress? We Got You Covered!

Helix Midnight Luxe

2. Bear Original

Cooling Mattress for Sleep Apnea

  • Type: Foam
  • Firmness: Medium-firm
  • Warranty: Lifetime
  • Shipping: Free shipping

Smart Mattress Buy’s Review

If you struggle with sleep apnea and tend to sleep hot, finding a mattress that provides pressure relief and temperature regulation is essential. That’s where the Bear Original mattress shines. This mattress is crafted with soft memory foam and incorporates cooling features to enhance your sleep experience.

The Bear Original offers excellent pressure point relief, especially for side sleepers. Its innovative Celliant cover and gel-infused memory foam work together to dissipate heat and prevent overheating, addressing a common concern with traditional memory foam mattresses. With the Bear Original, you can enjoy the benefits of pressure relief and temperature regulation, ensuring a comfortable and cool night’s sleep.


  • Great for athletes
  • Features comfortable memory feel
  • High on value


  • Not considered supportive or firm for stomach sleepers

Claim the Best Deals on Bear!

3. Saatva Classic

Luxury Mattress for Sleep Apnea

  • Type: Innerspring
  • Firmness: Multiple firmness options
  • Warranty: Lifetime
  • Shipping: Free white-glove shipping

Smart Mattress Buy’s Review

If you desire a luxurious sleeping experience and suffer from sleep apnea, the Saatva Classic is a fantastic option. This innerspring mattress offers a high level of comfort and support. With its dual coil system, high-density foam, and indulgent pillow top, it exudes the elegance you’d expect from a luxury hotel mattress.

The Saatva Classic is available in three firmness options, but we suggest considering the Plush Soft model. Its plush pillow top provides excellent pressure relief, while the mattress’s zoned construction ensures proper alignment for a restful sleep. Choose the Saatva Classic for a truly luxurious and supportive mattress that caters to your sleep apnea needs.


  • Easy to move as it has a responsive feel
  • Breathable fabric creating cool sleeping surface
  • Back pain relief


  • Individuals preferring a hug and sinking feel may consider otherwise

Saatva Classic

4. Nectar Mattress

Best Memory Foam for Sleep Apnea

  • Type: Foam
  • Firmness: Medium-firm
  • Warranty: Lifetime
  • Shipping: Free shipping

Smart Mattress Buy’s Review

If you have sleep apnea, memory foam mattresses are often recommended, and the Nectar Classic is a top choice. It features incredibly soft and comfortable memory foam layers that provide exceptional pressure relief, especially for side sleepers.

When you lay on the Nectar Classic, you’ll experience a gentle sinking sensation as the mattress molds to your body shape. This not only helps alleviate sleep apnea symptoms but also addresses any hip or back pain you may have.

The Nectar Classic is designed to offer the utmost comfort and support, making it an excellent option for individuals with sleep apnea and related discomfort.


  • Feel of memory foam (slow-moving)
  • Ideal for back sleepers
  • Suitable for individuals preferring the side sleeping position
  • High on support


  • Sleepers preferring bounce-feel may consider other options

Read Detailed Reviews on all Other Nectar Mattresses Options!

Sleep Apnea: Test and Diagnosis

  • Diagnosis

In order to diagnose sleep apnea, your healthcare provider will typically inquire about your symptoms and medical history. If they suspect sleep apnea based on the information you provide, further testing will be recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

  • Tests for Sleep Apnea

The most common tests used to diagnose sleep apnea are:

1. Overnight Sleep Study (Polysomnogram)

This sleep apnea test takes place in a specialized medical facility, commonly known as a “sleep lab.” You will spend the night there while various sensors monitor your heart rate, breathing, blood oxygen levels, brain waves, and other factors. It is considered the gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea.

2. Home Sleep Apnea Testing

This ‘sleep-apnea-at-home-test’ allow you to conduct a sleep study from the comfort of your own home. It is similar to an overnight sleep study but does not include brain wave monitoring. However, it may not be able to diagnose central sleep apnea, and it may not be suitable if your healthcare provider suspects more severe sleep apnea or if you have other sleep disorders or medical conditions.

In cases where a home study does not indicate sleep apnea, it is often recommended to confirm the diagnosis with an overnight sleep study.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

There are various approaches to treating sleep apnea, which depend on the specific type and severity of the condition. While these treatments do not provide sleep apnea cure, they can help in preventing or reducing the frequency and severity of apnea events.

Many treatment options require consistent integration into your daily or nightly routine. By incorporating these treatments, you can potentially minimize or eliminate the impact of sleep apnea on your life.

The possible treatments for sleep apnea include:

1. Sleep Apnea Conservative Treatments: Non-Medical Treatments

These nonmedical approaches are typically effective in improving or resolving obstructive sleep apnea, although they are not considered cures. However, they can significantly reduce the occurrence of apnea events or alleviate their severity, leading to a reduction in symptoms.

Some of these approaches include:

  • Sleep position changes and sleep aids: Sleeping on your back increases the likelihood of sleep apnea. Special support pillows and other aids can help you maintain a different sleeping position, preventing soft tissues from obstructing the airway.
  • Weight loss: A 10% reduction in body weight can have a significant positive impact on sleep apnea, particularly for individuals who are overweight or obese.
  • Medication adjustments: Collaborating with your doctor to reduce or discontinue the use of opioid pain medications may help improve or resolve central sleep apnea.
  • Treating underlying conditions: Addressing and managing underlying conditions such as heart failure can often lead to improvements in central sleep apnea.
  • Nasal sprays: Over-the-counter products like nasal sprays and adhesive strips can improve nasal airflow, making it easier for air to pass through. While they may not be effective for moderate or severe sleep apnea, they can sometimes help with snoring and mild cases.

2. Sleep Apnea New Treatments

  • Nerve stimulators
  • Sleep Apnea Devices: Positive airway pressure and adaptive ventilation devices
  • Surgical Interventions
  • Oral Appliances: Mouthpieces
  • Sleep Apnea Medications: Concerning Central Sleep Apnea patients only

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment approach based on your specific condition and needs.


Treatment options and lifestyle changes for sleep apnea can differ from person to person. It is crucial to consult with a doctor who can assess your specific condition and provide guidance on suitable treatment options. They will explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach and help create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your needs. Seeking professional medical advice is essential for effectively managing sleep apnea.

Sleep Right, Beat Apnea!

FAQs on Sleep Apnea and Sleeping Position

Q1. How does sleeping position affect sleep apnea?

  • Sleeping on your back can worsen sleep apnea symptoms, while side sleeping can help alleviate them.

Q2. What is the best sleeping position for sleep apnea?

  • Sleeping on your side is generally recommended for sleep apnea as it helps keep the airway open and reduces breathing disruptions.

Q3. Can a specific mattress help with sleep apnea?

  • While there is no specific mattress to cure sleep apnea, choosing a supportive and comfortable mattress can contribute to better sleep quality.

Q4. Are there any recommended pillows for sleep apnea?

  • Using a pillow that supports proper neck alignment can assist in maintaining an open airway during sleep.

Q5. Can changing my sleeping position eliminate sleep apnea?

  • Changing your sleeping position alone may not eliminate sleep apnea, but it can help alleviate symptoms and improve sleep quality.

Q6. Is sleep apnea only caused by sleeping position?

  • No, sleep apnea can have multiple causes, including obesity, nasal congestion, and anatomical factors, in addition to sleeping position.

Q7. What kind of doctor should I see for sleep apnea?

  • For sleep apnea, it is recommended to see a sleep specialist or a pulmonologist who specializes in sleep disorders. They have the expertise to diagnose and develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific condition and needs.

Q8. Are there any lifestyle changes besides sleeping position that can help with sleep apnea?

  • Weight loss, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, and regular exercise can all contribute to managing sleep apnea symptoms.

Q9. Should I consult a doctor about my sleep apnea and sleeping position?

  • Yes, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific condition and provide personalized guidance.

Q10. Can sleeping on a certain side help with different types of sleep apnea?

  • Side sleeping can benefit both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by reducing airway obstruction and central sleep apnea (CSA) by promoting regular breathing.

Q11. Can a specific mattress or pillow cure sleep apnea?

  • Mattresses and pillows cannot cure sleep apnea, but they can provide comfort and support to enhance sleep quality and alleviate symptoms.

Top Stories and Research (Updated 2023)


Please be aware that the journal articles mentioned are provided for informational purposes and do not have any affiliation or association with Smart Mattress Buy. They are shared to enhance knowledge and understanding on sleep apnea.

