How to Become a Morning Person Fast?

Morning Person

Do you struggle to wake up early every morning?

Do you envy those who seem to have no problem jumping out of bed and starting their day with enthusiasm?

If you answered yes, you might wonder if you can ever become a morning person yourself!

The good news is that you can.

Becoming a morning person is not a matter of genetics or personality, but a matter of habit and lifestyle. By following some simple tips and understanding the science behind your sleep patterns, you can transform yourself into a morning person and enjoy the benefits of being one.

However, becoming a morning person is not easy, especially if you are used to staying up late and sleeping in. It requires some changes in your habits, mindset, and lifestyle.

In this article, let’s explore some tips for becoming a morning person, as well as the science behind why some people are morning people and not others. We will also discuss what your chronotype is and whether you can change it or not. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to optimize your sleep and wake cycle and become a morning person.

10 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person!

Here are some practical tips that can help you become a morning person:

  1. Tip 1: Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the evening

Avoid Caffeine

Substances like nicotine, caffeine or alcohol interfere with your sleep preventing you from waking up early. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to six hours, so avoid drinking coffee, tea, or energy drinks after lunch. Alcohol can disrupt your sleep stages and cause you to wake up during the night. Nicotine can keep you awake, make you feel restless and eventually decreases your ability of becoming a morning person. Instead, opt for water, herbal tea, or milk before bed.

  1. Tip 2: Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time

One of the most important factors for becoming a morning person is to have a regular sleep schedule. This means that you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time routinely, even on your weekends and holidays. This helps to build up a habit. Additionally it will help your body clock adjust to your desired rhythm and make it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning.

  1. Tip 3: Expose yourself to natural light in the morning

Light is one of the main cues that signals your body when to wake up and when to sleep. Natural sunlight exposure to your skin especially during the morning hours make you feel more alert and energized, as well as regulate your circadian rhythm. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight as soon as you wake up, either by opening your curtains, going outside, or using a light therapy device.

  1. Tip 4: Create a relaxing bedtime routine

A rejuvenating routine carried out every day just before your bedtime can help you wind down and relax you to sleep. It can also signal to your brain that it is time to sleep and reduce the chances of insomnia. Some examples of relaxing activities that you can include in your bedtime routine are reading a book, listening to soothing music, meditating, or doing some gentle stretches.

  1. Tip 5: Make your bedroom conducive to sleep

Your bedroom environment can also affect your sleep quality and your ability to wake up early. Make sure you have a quiet and dark bedroom which makes it cool and comfortable to sleep. You can use curtains, blinds, or an eye mask to block out any external light. Use a fan, earplugs, or a white noise machine to mask any unwanted noise. Or you may adjust your thermostat, bedding, and pillows to suit your preferences.

  1. Tip 6: Use an alarm clock that ‘works for you’

Alarm clocks help you wake up and start the day on time preventing you from oversleeping. However, people often use alarm clocks in different ways. Some often prefer a loud alarm that awakens them with a jolt and helps them to get out of bed. While there are others who prefer a soothing alarm sound that helps them to wake up over some time.

You can also use an alarm clock that mimics the sunrise, plays your favorite music, or requires you to solve a puzzle or scan a barcode to turn it off. Experiment with different types of alarm clocks and find one that works for you.

  1. Tip 7: Keep your alarm clock ‘out of reach’

Change the location of your alarm clock to discourage snoozing. Consider placing it across the room, requiring you to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Certain apps can also make waking up more challenging by prompting you to participate in mentally stimulating tasks, like solving puzzles, before the alarm stops.

  1. Tip 8: Keep your motivation ‘on’

When the urge to snooze arises, recall the reasons driving your decision to embrace this change. Clearly define your motivations, providing a constant reminder that reinforces your commitment to the goal.

  1. Tip 9: Have something to look forward to in the morning

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to wake up early is to have something that excites you or makes you happy in the morning. It can be anything, such as a delicious breakfast, a fun workout, a hobby, or a personal project. Having something to look forward to in the morning can give you a sense of purpose and joy, as well as make you less likely to hit the snooze button.

  1. Tip 10: Invest in quality and comfortable bedding

Investing in a quality mattress that suits your style, health requirements, sleeping position and other preferences will enhance your overall sleep quality. Quality materials provide comfort and support, reducing discomfort and promoting faster relaxation. A supportive mattress aligns your spine, alleviating pressure points and enabling quicker entry into restful sleep. Improved sleep environment and comfort from premium bedding contribute to a faster transition into a deep, rejuvenating slumber.


Why Are Some Morning People and Not Others? Science Behind It!

You might wonder why some people are naturally morning people and not others. Is it genetic, environmental, or a matter of choice? The answer is a combination of all three.

According to research, your preference for being a morning person or a night owl is determined by your genes. Some people have a genetic variation that makes them more sensitive to the effects of light and dark on their circadian rhythm. This is your body’s internal clock regulating your sleep and wake up cycle.

These people tend to have an earlier chronotype, meaning they feel more alert and energetic in the morning and sleepy in the evening. On the other hand, some people have a genetic variation that makes them less sensitive to the effects of light and dark on their circadian rhythm. These people tend to have a later chronotype, meaning they feel more alert and energetic in the evening and sleepy in the morning.

However, genes are not the only factor that influences your chronotype. Your environment and lifestyle also play a role. For example, exposure to artificial light at night, such as from screens, lamps, or streetlights, can delay your circadian rhythm and make you more of a night owl.

Conversely, exposure to natural light in the morning can advance your circadian rhythm and make you more of a morning person. Other factors that can affect your chronotype are your age, your hormones, your social obligations, and your personal habits.

What Are the Health Benefits of Becoming a ‘Morning Person’?

Here are some benefits of becoming a morning person, based on recent research and facts.

  1. Improved Concentration: If your peak alertness aligns with the traditional work hours (9 am to 5 pm), being a morning person can enhance your ability to concentrate. Morning people often experience higher levels of focus and mental clarity in the early hours of the day.
  2. Faster Reaction Times: Studies suggest that morning people tend to have faster reaction times compared to night owls. This is beneficial in situations requiring quick-thinking and your responsiveness, such as during emergency scenarios or quick decision making at work.
  3. Increased Agreeableness: Being a morning person is associated with higher levels of agreeableness. This can positively impact your interpersonal relationships, both at work and in your personal life. Morning people may find it easier to collaborate, communicate effectively, and maintain positive interactions with others.
  4. Enhanced Conscientiousness: Morning people often exhibit greater conscientiousness, which includes traits like organization, responsibility, and goal-oriented behavior. This can lead to increased job productivity and success in various aspects of life, including work and personal pursuits.
  5. Weight Management: Exposure to sunlight in the morning has been linked to a lower body mass index (BMI). A 2014 study found that morning people who received 20 minutes of sunlight between 8 am and noon had a significantly lower BMI compared to those exposed to light later in the day. This suggests that establishing a morning routine that includes outdoor activities can contribute to weight management.
  6. Regulated Circadian Rhythm: Becoming a morning person can help synchronize your internal body clock, regulating your Circadian Rhythm. This alignment is crucial for overall health and well-being, as disruptions in circadian rhythms have been linked to various health issues.
  7. Improved Mood and Energy: Morning people naturally get more exposure to natural light, which is essential for regulating the body’s internal clock. This exposure helps maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle, positively influencing mood, energy levels, and overall mental well-being.
  8. Positive Impact on Metabolism: The alignment of daily activities with the body’s natural circadian rhythms can positively influence metabolism. Maintaining a consistent morning routine, including exposure to light can contribute to a more efficient metabolism and potentially aid in weight management.

Transitioning into a morning person can bring about various benefits, from improved cognitive functions and better interpersonal relationships to positive impacts on physical health and well-being.

What Is Your Chronotype and Can You Change It?

Your chronotype is the natural tendency of your body to sleep and wake at a certain time. It is influenced by your genes, your environment, and your lifestyle.

There are four main types of chronotypes, according to the author and sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus.

They are:

  • Lions: Lions are the early risers who wake up before dawn and are most productive in the morning. They are driven, ambitious, and goal-oriented. They tend to be leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs. They make up about 15% of the population.
  • Bears: Bears are the most common chronotype, making up about 50% of the population. They follow the sun and have a normal sleep and wake cycle. They are sociable, friendly, and adaptable. They tend to be team players, collaborators, and mediators. They are most productive in the mid-morning and early afternoon.
  • Wolves: Wolves are the night owls who stay up late and have trouble waking up early. They are creative, artistic, and innovative. They tend to be writers, artists, musicians, and programmers. They make up about 15% of the population. They are most productive in the late afternoon and evening.
  • Dolphins: Dolphins are the insomniacs who have a restless and irregular sleep and wake cycle. They are intelligent, perfectionist, and anxious. They tend to be scientists, engineers, doctors, and lawyers. They make up about 10% of the population. They are most productive in the late morning and early afternoon.

You can find out your chronotype by taking a quiz on Dr. Breus’s website or by observing your natural sleep and wake patterns when you are not influenced by external factors, such as work, school, or social events.

Can You Change Your Chronotype?

The answer is yes, but not completely.

You can shift your chronotype by about an hour or two, depending on your genes, your environment, and your lifestyle. However, you cannot change your chronotype by more than that, as it is hardwired in your biology. Trying to go against your natural rhythm can cause you to feel tired, stressed, and unhappy.

Therefore, the best way to become a morning person is to find a balance between your chronotype and your desired schedule. You can do this by following the tips mentioned above, as well as adjusting your activities and tasks according to your energy levels throughout the day.

For example, if you are a wolf, you can schedule your creative and challenging tasks in the evening, when you are most alert and inspired, and your routine and easy tasks in the morning, when you are less energetic and focused. This way, you can optimize your productivity and well-being, while still becoming a morning person.

Can You Adjust Your Circadian Rhythm?

Adjusting your circadian rhythm is possible through the adoption and consistent practice of healthy sleep habits. By establishing a disciplined sleep routine, you can effectively reset your internal body clock and modify your sleep/wake schedule. If, despite making these changes, you still find it challenging to rise in the morning, consulting a sleep specialist may be beneficial.

A sleep specialist can assist in identifying any obstacles preventing the successful implementation of behavioral changes or uncover underlying sleep disorders. Conditions like circadian rhythm disorders, which affect the natural sleep-wake cycle, can be assessed and addressed with professional guidance.

Although reshaping your schedule requires dedication and effort, the ultimate reward lies in making the morning wake-up routine more manageable. Seeking expert advice ensures a thorough understanding of your sleep patterns and the implementation of targeted strategies to improve your overall sleep quality and daily functioning.

What Are 5 Easy Steps to Become a Morning Person?

Do you wish you could wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day? Well then you might want to consider becoming a morning person.

Being a morning person has many benefits, such as improved productivity, mood, health, and creativity. However, becoming a morning person is not as easy as setting an earlier alarm. It requires some changes in your habits, mindset, and environment.

Here are 5 easy steps that can help you transform from ‘a night owl’ to ‘a morning lark’.

  1. STEP 1: Adjust your sleep schedule gradually

The first step to becoming a morning person is to shift your sleep schedule earlier. However, you don’t want to do this too abruptly, as it can cause sleep deprivation and stress. Instead, you want to do it gradually, by moving your bedtime and wake-up time 15 minutes earlier every few days, until you reach your desired schedule.

This way, you can give your body and mind time to adjust to the new rhythm, and avoid disrupting your natural circadian clock. You also want to keep your sleep schedule consistent, even on weekends, to maintain your internal clock and avoid jet lag-like symptoms.

  1. STEP 2: Optimize your bedroom environment

Another important step to becoming a morning person is to make sure your bedroom is conducive to good sleep. This means creating a dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable space that can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Use blinds and shades to block out any external light, curtains of a darker shade or wear an eye mask if you prefer. You may also use a fan, humidifier, earplugs, a white noise machine, or mask out any distracting noises by listening to some soothing sounds or music. Try adjusting your thermostat; invest in quality mattress, and clothing to a temperature that suits you best.

  1. STEP 3: Establish a restful bedtime routine

A bedtime routine can help you wind down and prepare for sleep. How? It signals to your brain that it’s time to sleep, and reduce the effects of blue light from screens, which can suppress melatonin and keep you awake.

Your bedtime routine can include any activities that make you feel calm and happy, such as reading, meditating, and journaling, stretching, or taking a bath. You can also use aromatherapy, using essential oils like lavender or chamomile to enhance your sleep. You should avoid any stimulating or stressful activities, such as checking emails, watching TV, or having arguments, at least an hour before bed.

  1. STEP 4: Use light strategically

Soaking up in the sun

Light is one of the main factors that influence your circadian rhythm, or your natural sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to light in the morning can help you wake up and feel alert, whereas light exposure in the evening can keep you awake and delay your sleep.

Therefore, you want to use light strategically aligned to your circadian rhythm. You can do this by exposing yourself to bright natural light as soon as you wake up, either by opening your curtains, going outside, or using a light therapy device. You can also expose yourself to sunlight throughout the day, especially in the afternoon, to boost your mood and energy.

On the other hand, you want to reduce your exposure to artificial light during the evening hours, especially blue light from screens, which can interfere with your melatonin production and sleep quality. Try reading a book instead, meditating or engage in some activities with your loved ones during the evening hours. You can do this by dimming your lights, using warm or red light bulbs, or wearing blue-light blocking glasses. You can also turn off or avoid using any devices, such as your phone, computer, or TV, at least an hour before bed, or use night mode or dark mode settings if you have to.

  1. STEP 5: Make your mornings enjoyable

The final step to becoming a morning person is to make your mornings enjoyable. This can help you look forward to waking up, and motivate you to get out of bed. Plan some activities that make you happy and excited, such as listening to your favorite music, podcast, or audio book, having a delicious breakfast, doing some exercise, or pursuing a hobby.

You can also use some positive affirmations, gratitude, or visualization to start your day on a good note, and set some goals or intentions for the day ahead. You can also reward yourself for waking up early, such as by treating yourself to a coffee, a snack, or a fun activity later in the day.


Becoming a morning person is not impossible, but it requires some effort and dedication. By following the tips in this blog post, as well as understanding your chronotype and how it affects your sleep and wake cycle, you can become a morning person and enjoy the benefits of waking up early. Remember, being a morning person is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but a personal choice that suits your goals, preferences, and lifestyle.


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The information provided above serves as general guidance and should not replace professional advice. It is not intended for diagnosing sleep issues or health issues. Prior to making any adjustments to your sleep routine, we strongly recommend consulting a sleep doctor or a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.